[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - Ethereum and Solidity The Complete Developers Guide
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:acd0092d303d976902b5da3b758bb9bd91ebf57a&dn=[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - Ethereum and Solidity The Complete Developers Guide
3.43 GB
2019-5-4 13:11
2025-3-6 05:28
1. What is Ethereum/1. Introduction.mp4 8.22 MB
1. What is Ethereum/10. What's a Transaction.mp4 18.26 MB
1. What is Ethereum/11. Why'd We Wait.mp4 8.07 MB
1. What is Ethereum/13. Basic Blockchains.mp4 48.27 MB
1. What is Ethereum/14. Block Time.mp4 18.03 MB
1. What is Ethereum/15. Smart Contracts.mp4 14.78 MB
1. What is Ethereum/16. The Solidity Programming Language.mp4 11.03 MB
1. What is Ethereum/17. Our First Contract.mp4 13.8 MB
1. What is Ethereum/18. Contract Structure.mp4 14.69 MB
1. What is Ethereum/19. Function Declarations.mp4 16.28 MB
1. What is Ethereum/20. Testing with Remix.mp4 26.63 MB
1. What is Ethereum/21. Redeploying Contracts.mp4 6.65 MB
1. What is Ethereum/22. Behind the Scenes of Deployment.mp4 14.75 MB
1. What is Ethereum/23. More on Running Functions Than You Want to Know.mp4 35.54 MB
1. What is Ethereum/24. Wei vs Ether.mp4 10.87 MB
1. What is Ethereum/25. Gas and Transactions.mp4 28.13 MB
1. What is Ethereum/26. Mnemonic Phrases.mp4 38.68 MB
1. What is Ethereum/27. Getting More Ether.mp4 13.71 MB
1. What is Ethereum/3. A Short History Lesson.mp4 8.94 MB
1. What is Ethereum/5. What is Ethereum.mp4 9.63 MB
1. What is Ethereum/6. Interfacing with Ethereum Networks.mp4 6.97 MB
1. What is Ethereum/7. Metamask Setup.mp4 14.48 MB
1. What is Ethereum/8. Ethereum Accounts.mp4 12.45 MB
1. What is Ethereum/9. Receiving Ether.mp4 7.79 MB
2. Smart Contracts with Solidity/10. Installing Modules.mp4 8.73 MB
2. Smart Contracts with Solidity/11. Web3 Versioning.mp4 9.4 MB
2. Smart Contracts with Solidity/12. Web3 Providers.mp4 10.04 MB
2. Smart Contracts with Solidity/13. Testing with Mocha.mp4 42.46 MB
2. Smart Contracts with Solidity/14. Mocha Structure.mp4 10.92 MB
2. Smart Contracts with Solidity/15. Fetching Accounts from Ganache.mp4 15.67 MB
2. Smart Contracts with Solidity/16. Refactor to AsyncAwait.mp4 6.31 MB
2. Smart Contracts with Solidity/17. Deployment with Web3.mp4 17.01 MB
2. Smart Contracts with Solidity/18. Deployed Inbox Overview.mp4 33.48 MB
2. Smart Contracts with Solidity/19. Asserting Deployment.mp4 14.33 MB
2. Smart Contracts with Solidity/2. Contract Deployment.mp4 13.06 MB
2. Smart Contracts with Solidity/21. Verifying the Initial Message.mp4 21.79 MB
2. Smart Contracts with Solidity/22. Testing Message Updates.mp4 17 MB
2. Smart Contracts with Solidity/23. Deployment with Infura.mp4 15.93 MB
2. Smart Contracts with Solidity/24. Infura Signup.mp4 9.96 MB
2. Smart Contracts with Solidity/25. Wallet Provider Setup.mp4 16.58 MB
2. Smart Contracts with Solidity/26. Deployment to Rinkeby.mp4 18.01 MB
2. Smart Contracts with Solidity/27. Observing Deployment on Etherscan.mp4 13.71 MB
2. Smart Contracts with Solidity/28. Deployed Contracts in Remix.mp4 17.5 MB
2. Smart Contracts with Solidity/29. Project Review.mp4 25.06 MB
2. Smart Contracts with Solidity/3. Boilerplate Requirements.mp4 12.33 MB
2. Smart Contracts with Solidity/4. Project File Walkthrough.mp4 9.72 MB
2. Smart Contracts with Solidity/6. Compiling Solidity.mp4 13.22 MB
2. Smart Contracts with Solidity/7. The Compile Script.mp4 31.14 MB
2. Smart Contracts with Solidity/8. Testing Architecture.mp4 8.96 MB
3. Advanced Smart Contracts/1. The Lottery Contract.mp4 5.79 MB
3. Advanced Smart Contracts/10. Validation with Require Statements.mp4 25.02 MB
3. Advanced Smart Contracts/11. The Remix Debugger.mp4 10.43 MB
3. Advanced Smart Contracts/12. Pseudo Random Number Generator.mp4 25.64 MB
3. Advanced Smart Contracts/13. Selecting a Winner.mp4 11.94 MB
3. Advanced Smart Contracts/14. Sending Ether from Contracts.mp4 13.92 MB
3. Advanced Smart Contracts/15. Resetting Contract State.mp4 9.6 MB
3. Advanced Smart Contracts/16. Requiring Managers.mp4 14.72 MB
3. Advanced Smart Contracts/17. Function Modifiers.mp4 15.03 MB
3. Advanced Smart Contracts/18. Returning Players Array.mp4 5.8 MB
3. Advanced Smart Contracts/19. Contract Review.mp4 9.76 MB
3. Advanced Smart Contracts/2. Lottery Design.mp4 6.53 MB
3. Advanced Smart Contracts/20. New Test Setup.mp4 7.46 MB
3. Advanced Smart Contracts/21. Test Project Updates.mp4 5.59 MB
3. Advanced Smart Contracts/22. Test Helper Review.mp4 9.89 MB
3. Advanced Smart Contracts/23. Asserting Deployment.mp4 6.11 MB
3. Advanced Smart Contracts/24. Entering the Lottery.mp4 15.92 MB
3. Advanced Smart Contracts/25. Asserting Multiple Players.mp4 8.58 MB
3. Advanced Smart Contracts/26. Try-Catch Assertions.mp4 13.39 MB
3. Advanced Smart Contracts/27. Testing Function Modifiers.mp4 8.26 MB
3. Advanced Smart Contracts/28. End to End Test.mp4 28.05 MB
3. Advanced Smart Contracts/3. Basic Solidity Types.mp4 21.69 MB
3. Advanced Smart Contracts/4. Starting the Lottery Contract.mp4 9.92 MB
3. Advanced Smart Contracts/5. The Message Global Variable.mp4 13.79 MB
3. Advanced Smart Contracts/6. Overview of Arrays.mp4 29.4 MB
3. Advanced Smart Contracts/7. Overview of Mappings and Structs.mp4 8.48 MB
3. Advanced Smart Contracts/8. Big Solidity Gotcha.mp4 15.2 MB
3. Advanced Smart Contracts/9. Entering the Lottery.mp4 9.15 MB
4. Building Interactive Front-Ends/1. Ethereum App Architecture.mp4 20.91 MB
4. Building Interactive Front-Ends/10. Accessing More Properties.mp4 14.9 MB
4. Building Interactive Front-Ends/11. The 'Enter' Form.mp4 11.14 MB
4. Building Interactive Front-Ends/12. Form Setup.mp4 18.19 MB
4. Building Interactive Front-Ends/13. Entering the Lottery.mp4 17.94 MB
4. Building Interactive Front-Ends/14. Picking a Winner.mp4 23.66 MB
4. Building Interactive Front-Ends/15. Project Review.mp4 10.65 MB
4. Building Interactive Front-Ends/2. Application Overview.mp4 17.77 MB
4. Building Interactive Front-Ends/3. Getting Started with Create-React-App.mp4 6.44 MB
4. Building Interactive Front-Ends/4. Multiple Web3 Instances.mp4 19.69 MB
4. Building Interactive Front-Ends/5. Web3 Setup.mp4 14.69 MB
4. Building Interactive Front-Ends/6. Deploying the Lottery Contract.mp4 14.62 MB
4. Building Interactive Front-Ends/7. Local Contract Instances.mp4 15.95 MB
4. Building Interactive Front-Ends/8. Rendering Contract Data.mp4 19.06 MB
4. Building Interactive Front-Ends/9. Instance Properties.mp4 4.05 MB
5. Real Projects with Ethereum/1. Solving Real Problems with Contracts.mp4 15.93 MB
5. Real Projects with Ethereum/10. Instance Creation Syntax.mp4 27.73 MB
5. Real Projects with Ethereum/11. Storage and Memory.mp4 15.47 MB
5. Real Projects with Ethereum/12. More on Storage vs Memory.mp4 42.03 MB
5. Real Projects with Ethereum/13. Voting System Requirements.mp4 7.06 MB
5. Real Projects with Ethereum/14. The Wrong Voting System.mp4 12.21 MB
5. Real Projects with Ethereum/15. Issues with Arrays.mp4 14.61 MB
5. Real Projects with Ethereum/16. Mappings vs Arrays.mp4 8.97 MB
5. Real Projects with Ethereum/17. Basics of Mappings.mp4 25.3 MB
5. Real Projects with Ethereum/18. Refactoring to Mappings.mp4 17.89 MB
5. Real Projects with Ethereum/19. Refactoring Request Stucts.mp4 5.57 MB
5. Real Projects with Ethereum/2. Fixing Kickstarter's Issues.mp4 18.74 MB
5. Real Projects with Ethereum/20. More on Struct Initialization.mp4 7.98 MB
5. Real Projects with Ethereum/21. Approving a Request.mp4 20.54 MB
5. Real Projects with Ethereum/22. Testing Request Approvals.mp4 16.54 MB
5. Real Projects with Ethereum/23. Finalizing a Request.mp4 20.76 MB
5. Real Projects with Ethereum/24. Last Remix Test.mp4 6.64 MB
5. Real Projects with Ethereum/25. Thinking about Deployment.mp4 23.12 MB
5. Real Projects with Ethereum/26. Solution to Deployment.mp4 15.49 MB
5. Real Projects with Ethereum/27. Adding a Campaign Factory.mp4 21.47 MB
5. Real Projects with Ethereum/28. Testing the Factory.mp4 10.88 MB
5. Real Projects with Ethereum/3. Campaign Contract Design.mp4 22.95 MB
5. Real Projects with Ethereum/4. Campaign Constructor.mp4 9.78 MB
5. Real Projects with Ethereum/5. Contributing to the Campaign.mp4 7.76 MB
5. Real Projects with Ethereum/6. A Quick Test.mp4 6.47 MB
5. Real Projects with Ethereum/7. The Request Struct.mp4 22.13 MB
5. Real Projects with Ethereum/8. More on Function Modifiers.mp4 13.61 MB
5. Real Projects with Ethereum/9. Creating Struct Instances.mp4 15.4 MB
6. Ethereum Project Infrastructure/1. Project Setup.mp4 5.39 MB
6. Ethereum Project Infrastructure/10. Requiring Minimum Contributinos.mp4 9.17 MB
6. Ethereum Project Infrastructure/11. Array Getters.mp4 16.34 MB
6. Ethereum Project Infrastructure/12. One End to End Test.mp4 32.33 MB
6. Ethereum Project Infrastructure/13. Deployment.mp4 6.37 MB
6. Ethereum Project Infrastructure/14. Refactoring Deployment.mp4 17.26 MB
6. Ethereum Project Infrastructure/2. Directory Structure.mp4 6.69 MB
6. Ethereum Project Infrastructure/3. A Better Compile Script.mp4 10.63 MB
6. Ethereum Project Infrastructure/4. Single Run Compilation.mp4 19.54 MB
6. Ethereum Project Infrastructure/5. More on Compile.mp4 40.37 MB
6. Ethereum Project Infrastructure/6. Test File Setup.mp4 18.95 MB
6. Ethereum Project Infrastructure/7. Creating Campaign Instances.mp4 27.71 MB
6. Ethereum Project Infrastructure/8. Testing Warmup.mp4 8.23 MB
6. Ethereum Project Infrastructure/9. Accessing Mappings.mp4 28.46 MB
7. Advanced Multi-Page Front-Ends/1. App Mockups.mp4 24.03 MB
7. Advanced Multi-Page Front-Ends/10. Server vs Client Web3 Instances.mp4 24.21 MB
7. Advanced Multi-Page Front-Ends/11. GetInitialProps Function.mp4 23.24 MB
7. Advanced Multi-Page Front-Ends/12. Semantic UI React.mp4 17.79 MB
7. Advanced Multi-Page Front-Ends/13. Card Group Setup.mp4 19.38 MB
7. Advanced Multi-Page Front-Ends/14. Rendering Card Groups.mp4 15.16 MB
7. Advanced Multi-Page Front-Ends/15. Adding CSS.mp4 12.06 MB
7. Advanced Multi-Page Front-Ends/16. Adding a Button.mp4 18.5 MB
7. Advanced Multi-Page Front-Ends/17. The Need for a Layout.mp4 15.38 MB
7. Advanced Multi-Page Front-Ends/18. The Layout Component.mp4 17.67 MB
7. Advanced Multi-Page Front-Ends/19. Assembling a Header.mp4 20.49 MB
7. Advanced Multi-Page Front-Ends/2. CRA vs Next.mp4 12.85 MB
7. Advanced Multi-Page Front-Ends/20. Constraining Content Width.mp4 9.15 MB
7. Advanced Multi-Page Front-Ends/21. Two Column Layout.mp4 5.58 MB
7. Advanced Multi-Page Front-Ends/22. Nested Routing.mp4 11.46 MB
7. Advanced Multi-Page Front-Ends/23. Final CSS Fix.mp4 13.17 MB
7. Advanced Multi-Page Front-Ends/24. Form Creation.mp4 11.35 MB
7. Advanced Multi-Page Front-Ends/25. Input Change Handlers.mp4 16.44 MB
7. Advanced Multi-Page Front-Ends/26. Form Submittal.mp4 14.45 MB
7. Advanced Multi-Page Front-Ends/27. Testing Submittal.mp4 8.76 MB
7. Advanced Multi-Page Front-Ends/28. Form Error Handling.mp4 32.76 MB
7. Advanced Multi-Page Front-Ends/29. Button Spinners.mp4 19.98 MB
7. Advanced Multi-Page Front-Ends/3. Next's Pages Architecture.mp4 11.77 MB
7. Advanced Multi-Page Front-Ends/30. Routing Issues.mp4 7.83 MB
7. Advanced Multi-Page Front-Ends/31. Next Routes Setup.mp4 25.76 MB
7. Advanced Multi-Page Front-Ends/32. Automatic Navigation.mp4 12.09 MB
7. Advanced Multi-Page Front-Ends/33. Header Navigation.mp4 14.25 MB
7. Advanced Multi-Page Front-Ends/34. Routing to Campaigns.mp4 15.8 MB
7. Advanced Multi-Page Front-Ends/36. Route Mappings.mp4 15.82 MB
7. Advanced Multi-Page Front-Ends/37. Planning CampaignShow.mp4 9.28 MB
7. Advanced Multi-Page Front-Ends/38. Redeploying CampaignFactory.mp4 25.88 MB
7. Advanced Multi-Page Front-Ends/39. CampaignShow's GetInitialProps.mp4 17.74 MB
7. Advanced Multi-Page Front-Ends/4. Basics of Next Routing.mp4 10.49 MB
7. Advanced Multi-Page Front-Ends/40. Accessing a Campaign.mp4 21.66 MB
7. Advanced Multi-Page Front-Ends/41. Summary Translation Layer.mp4 10.36 MB
7. Advanced Multi-Page Front-Ends/42. Custom Card Groups.mp4 21.19 MB
7. Advanced Multi-Page Front-Ends/43. One Card Per Property.mp4 16.33 MB
7. Advanced Multi-Page Front-Ends/44. The Contribute Form.mp4 21.23 MB
7. Advanced Multi-Page Front-Ends/45. Grid Layouts.mp4 11.16 MB
7. Advanced Multi-Page Front-Ends/46. Form State.mp4 6.07 MB
7. Advanced Multi-Page Front-Ends/47. Communicating the Campaign Address.mp4 13.09 MB
7. Advanced Multi-Page Front-Ends/48. Making a Contribution.mp4 8.98 MB
7. Advanced Multi-Page Front-Ends/49. Refreshing Contract Data.mp4 17.24 MB
7. Advanced Multi-Page Front-Ends/5. Root Routes.mp4 12.37 MB
7. Advanced Multi-Page Front-Ends/50. Spinners and Error Handlers.mp4 17.43 MB
7. Advanced Multi-Page Front-Ends/51. Listing Requests.mp4 17.42 MB
7. Advanced Multi-Page Front-Ends/52. Grids vs Columns.mp4 9.77 MB
7. Advanced Multi-Page Front-Ends/53. More Routing!.mp4 20.24 MB
7. Advanced Multi-Page Front-Ends/54. Request Creation Form.mp4 29.27 MB
7. Advanced Multi-Page Front-Ends/55. Creating a Request.mp4 26.24 MB
7. Advanced Multi-Page Front-Ends/56. Form Polish.mp4 24.63 MB
7. Advanced Multi-Page Front-Ends/57. Creating a Request.mp4 2.57 MB
7. Advanced Multi-Page Front-Ends/58. Requests One by One.mp4 7.91 MB
7. Advanced Multi-Page Front-Ends/59. Fancy Javascript.mp4 19.5 MB
7. Advanced Multi-Page Front-Ends/6. CampaignFactory Instance.mp4 15.16 MB
7. Advanced Multi-Page Front-Ends/61. Rendering a Table.mp4 10.14 MB
7. Advanced Multi-Page Front-Ends/62. Request Row Component.mp4 19.24 MB
7. Advanced Multi-Page Front-Ends/63. Request Row Content.mp4 17.31 MB
7. Advanced Multi-Page Front-Ends/64. Approvers Count Cell.mp4 14.69 MB
7. Advanced Multi-Page Front-Ends/65. Approving a Request.mp4 18.85 MB
7. Advanced Multi-Page Front-Ends/66. Finalizing Requests.mp4 12.84 MB
7. Advanced Multi-Page Front-Ends/67. Testing Finalization.mp4 5.19 MB
7. Advanced Multi-Page Front-Ends/68. Row Status Styling.mp4 16.55 MB
7. Advanced Multi-Page Front-Ends/69. Finishing Requests Index.mp4 10.63 MB
7. Advanced Multi-Page Front-Ends/7. Getting a Test Campaign.mp4 14.37 MB
7. Advanced Multi-Page Front-Ends/70. Wrapup.mp4 1.63 MB
7. Advanced Multi-Page Front-Ends/8. Fetching Deployed Campaigns.mp4 15.11 MB
7. Advanced Multi-Page Front-Ends/9. Why Next.js, Anyways.mp4 22 MB
8. Appendix Basic React/10. Render Targets.mp4 8.86 MB
8. Appendix Basic React/11. Component Structure.mp4 9.89 MB
8. Appendix Basic React/12. Youtube Search API Signup.mp4 11.3 MB
8. Appendix Basic React/13. Export Statements.mp4 18.83 MB
8. Appendix Basic React/14. Class Based Components.mp4 11.69 MB
8. Appendix Basic React/15. Handling User Events.mp4 14.59 MB
8. Appendix Basic React/16. Introduction to State.mp4 7.72 MB
8. Appendix Basic React/17. State Continued.mp4 9.08 MB
8. Appendix Basic React/18. Controlled Components.mp4 16.23 MB
8. Appendix Basic React/19. Breather and Review.mp4 5.6 MB
8. Appendix Basic React/2. Purpose of Boilerplate Projects.mp4 9.13 MB
8. Appendix Basic React/20. Youtube Search Response.mp4 7.12 MB
8. Appendix Basic React/21. Refactoring Functional Components to Class Components.mp4 13.52 MB
8. Appendix Basic React/22. Props.mp4 17.07 MB
8. Appendix Basic React/23. Building Lists with Map.mp4 10.32 MB
8. Appendix Basic React/24. List Item Keys.mp4 6.47 MB
8. Appendix Basic React/25. Video List Items.mp4 19.1 MB
8. Appendix Basic React/26. Detail Component and Template Strings.mp4 11.19 MB
8. Appendix Basic React/27. Handling Null Props.mp4 14.58 MB
8. Appendix Basic React/28. Video Selection.mp4 22.17 MB
8. Appendix Basic React/29. Styling with CSS.mp4 7.07 MB
8. Appendix Basic React/3. Environment Setup.mp4 3.18 MB
8. Appendix Basic React/30. Searching for Videos.mp4 14.87 MB
8. Appendix Basic React/31. Throttling Search Term Input.mp4 13.05 MB
8. Appendix Basic React/32. React Wrapup.mp4 9.55 MB
8. Appendix Basic React/4. Project Setup.mp4 9.01 MB
8. Appendix Basic React/5. JSX.mp4 16.38 MB
8. Appendix Basic React/6. More on JSX.mp4 6.54 MB
8. Appendix Basic React/7. ES6 Import Statements.mp4 5.78 MB
8. Appendix Basic React/8. ReactDOM vs React.mp4 3.69 MB
8. Appendix Basic React/9. Component Instances.mp4 5.41 MB