[DesireCourse.Net] Udemy - Data Science Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Python
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:2affdffe947924612ccfc0842743f4711b0a24fc&dn=[DesireCourse.Net] Udemy - Data Science Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Python
2.12 GB
2021-2-2 00:29
2025-3-4 14:53
1. Natural Language Processing - What is it used for/1. Introduction and Outline.mp4 2.51 MB
1. Natural Language Processing - What is it used for/2. NLP Applications.mp4 5.73 MB
1. Natural Language Processing - What is it used for/3. Why is NLP hard.mp4 7.14 MB
1. Natural Language Processing - What is it used for/4. The Central Message of this Course.mp4 3.14 MB
10. Machine Learning Basics Review/1. (Review) Machine Learning Section Introduction.mp4 44.86 MB
10. Machine Learning Basics Review/10. (Review) Machine Learning and Deep Learning Future Topics.mp4 40.87 MB
10. Machine Learning Basics Review/11. (Review) Section Summary.mp4 24.82 MB
10. Machine Learning Basics Review/2. (Review) What is Classification.mp4 70.66 MB
10. Machine Learning Basics Review/3. (Review) Classification in Code.mp4 139.49 MB
10. Machine Learning Basics Review/4. (Review) What is Regression.mp4 49.56 MB
10. Machine Learning Basics Review/5. (Review) Regression in Code.mp4 69.36 MB
10. Machine Learning Basics Review/6. (Review) What is a Feature Vector.mp4 37.99 MB
10. Machine Learning Basics Review/7. (Review) Machine Learning is Nothing but Geometry.mp4 22.74 MB
10. Machine Learning Basics Review/8. (Review) All Data is the Same.mp4 24.81 MB
10. Machine Learning Basics Review/9. (Review) Comparing Different Machine Learning Models.mp4 53.56 MB
11. Appendix FAQ/1. What is the Appendix.mp4 5.45 MB
11. Appendix FAQ/10. What order should I take your courses in (part 1).mp4 29.32 MB
11. Appendix FAQ/11. What order should I take your courses in (part 2).mp4 37.63 MB
11. Appendix FAQ/12. BONUS Where to get discount coupons and FREE deep learning material.mp4 37.83 MB
11. Appendix FAQ/2. Windows-Focused Environment Setup 2018.mp4 186.47 MB
11. Appendix FAQ/3. How to install Numpy, Scipy, Matplotlib, Pandas, IPython, Theano, and TensorFlow.mp4 43.92 MB
11. Appendix FAQ/4. How to Code by Yourself (part 1).mp4 24.54 MB
11. Appendix FAQ/5. How to Code by Yourself (part 2).mp4 14.8 MB
11. Appendix FAQ/6. How to Succeed in this Course (Long Version).mp4 12.99 MB
11. Appendix FAQ/7. Is this for Beginners or Experts Academic or Practical Fast or slow-paced.mp4 38.95 MB
11. Appendix FAQ/8. Proof that using Jupyter Notebook is the same as not using it.mp4 78.28 MB
11. Appendix FAQ/9. Python 2 vs Python 3.mp4 7.84 MB
2. Course Preparation/1. How to Succeed in this Course.mp4 3.31 MB
2. Course Preparation/2. Where to get the code and data.mp4 4.44 MB
2. Course Preparation/3. Do you need a review of machine learning.mp4 13.4 MB
3. Decrypting Ciphers/1. Section Introduction.mp4 26.32 MB
3. Decrypting Ciphers/10. Code pt 4.mp4 25.69 MB
3. Decrypting Ciphers/11. Code pt 5.mp4 40.93 MB
3. Decrypting Ciphers/12. Code pt 6.mp4 39.35 MB
3. Decrypting Ciphers/13. Section Conclusion.mp4 24.26 MB
3. Decrypting Ciphers/2. Ciphers.mp4 17.19 MB
3. Decrypting Ciphers/3. Language Models.mp4 65.65 MB
3. Decrypting Ciphers/4. Genetic Algorithms.mp4 105.19 MB
3. Decrypting Ciphers/5. Code Preparation.mp4 20.65 MB
3. Decrypting Ciphers/7. Code pt 1.mp4 15.9 MB
3. Decrypting Ciphers/8. Code pt 2.mp4 39.15 MB
3. Decrypting Ciphers/9. Code pt 3.mp4 29.55 MB
4. Build your own spam detector/1. Build your own spam detector - description of data.mp4 1.91 MB
4. Build your own spam detector/10. SMS Spam in Code.mp4 13.92 MB
4. Build your own spam detector/2. Build your own spam detector using Naive Bayes and AdaBoost - the code.mp4 6.55 MB
4. Build your own spam detector/3. Key Takeaway from Spam Detection Exercise.mp4 30.58 MB
4. Build your own spam detector/4. Naive Bayes Concepts.mp4 39.65 MB
4. Build your own spam detector/5. AdaBoost Concepts.mp4 26.75 MB
4. Build your own spam detector/6. Other types of features.mp4 1.42 MB
4. Build your own spam detector/7. Spam Detection FAQ (Remedial #1).mp4 10.66 MB
4. Build your own spam detector/8. What is a Vector (Remedial #2).mp4 9.07 MB
4. Build your own spam detector/9. SMS Spam Example.mp4 5.71 MB
5. Build your own sentiment analyzer/1. Description of Sentiment Analyzer.mp4 5.07 MB
5. Build your own sentiment analyzer/2. Logistic Regression Review.mp4 12.2 MB
5. Build your own sentiment analyzer/3. Preprocessing Tokenization.mp4 7.74 MB
5. Build your own sentiment analyzer/4. Preprocessing Tokens to Vectors.mp4 10.56 MB
5. Build your own sentiment analyzer/5. Sentiment Analysis in Python using Logistic Regression.mp4 43.54 MB
5. Build your own sentiment analyzer/6. Sentiment Analysis Extension.mp4 5.16 MB
5. Build your own sentiment analyzer/7. How to Improve Sentiment Analysis & FAQ.mp4 77.73 MB
6. NLTK Exploration/1. NLTK Exploration POS Tagging.mp4 2.03 MB
6. NLTK Exploration/2. NLTK Exploration Stemming and Lemmatization.mp4 3.66 MB
6. NLTK Exploration/3. NLTK Exploration Named Entity Recognition.mp4 6.67 MB
6. NLTK Exploration/4. Want more NLTK.mp4 8.45 MB
7. Latent Semantic Analysis/1. Latent Semantic Analysis - What does it do.mp4 3.93 MB
7. Latent Semantic Analysis/2. SVD - The underlying math behind LSA.mp4 78.22 MB
7. Latent Semantic Analysis/3. Latent Semantic Analysis in Python.mp4 25.44 MB
7. Latent Semantic Analysis/4. What is Latent Semantic Analysis Used For.mp4 16.88 MB
7. Latent Semantic Analysis/5. Extending LSA.mp4 10.91 MB
8. Write your own article spinner/1. Article Spinning Introduction and Markov Models.mp4 4.66 MB
8. Write your own article spinner/2. Trigram Model.mp4 3.86 MB
8. Write your own article spinner/3. More about Language Models.mp4 36.63 MB
8. Write your own article spinner/4. Precode Exercises.mp4 19.78 MB
8. Write your own article spinner/5. Writing an article spinner in Python.mp4 25.95 MB
8. Write your own article spinner/6. Article Spinner Extension Exercises.mp4 23.67 MB
9. How to learn more about NLP/1. What we didn't talk about.mp4 4.32 MB