[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - Master Laravel 8 for Beginners & Intermediate
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:1a9a78c897395fd558af4f61a9ec485b6f85e309&dn=[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - Master Laravel 8 for Beginners & Intermediate
9.18 GB
2022-5-4 00:38
2024-12-19 00:13
01 - Introduction and Recommendations/001 Welcome to the Course!.mp4 41.3 MB
01 - Introduction and Recommendations/002 About Laravel Versions (OPTIONAL).mp4 4.36 MB
01 - Introduction and Recommendations/003 Setup Recommendations and Course Prerequisites.mp4 19.63 MB
01 - Introduction and Recommendations/004 Code Editor Visual Studio Code Setup and Recommendations.mp4 42.83 MB
01 - Introduction and Recommendations/005 Course Source Code.mp4 20.36 MB
01 - Introduction and Recommendations/006 Additional Learning Resource (Cheat Sheet, Diagrams).mp4 16.43 MB
02 - Windows Specific Setup/001 Windows - Setting Up XAMPP (PHPApacheMySQL).mp4 9.94 MB
02 - Windows Specific Setup/002 Windows - PHP in the Command Line.mp4 6.37 MB
02 - Windows Specific Setup/003 Windows - Composer.mp4 4.11 MB
03 - Mac Specific Setup/001 Mac - Setting Up XAMPP (PHPApacheMySQL).mp4 20.62 MB
03 - Mac Specific Setup/002 Mac - PHP in the Command Line.mp4 21.7 MB
03 - Mac Specific Setup/003 Mac - Composer.mp4 4.16 MB
05 - Windows - Setting Up Local Domain (OPTIONAL!)/001 Windows - Setting Up Virtual Host in Apache.mp4 19.05 MB
05 - Windows - Setting Up Local Domain (OPTIONAL!)/002 Windows - Setting Up Host on the System.mp4 6.72 MB
06 - Mac - Setting Up Local Domain (OPTIONAL!)/001 Mac - Setting Up Virtual Host in Apache.mp4 20.24 MB
06 - Mac - Setting Up Local Domain (OPTIONAL!)/002 Mac - Setting Up Host on the System.mp4 8.16 MB
07 - Laravel Introduction/001 Laravel Project Structure Overview.mp4 22.9 MB
07 - Laravel Introduction/002 Artisan Command.mp4 29.59 MB
08 - Routing/001 Understanding Routing in Laravel.mp4 18.07 MB
08 - Routing/002 Defining Routes.mp4 8.43 MB
08 - Routing/003 Managing and Naming Routes.mp4 13.43 MB
08 - Routing/004 Route Parameters.mp4 8.45 MB
08 - Routing/005 Optional Route Parameters.mp4 9.08 MB
08 - Routing/006 Constraining Possible Route Parameters Values.mp4 18.93 MB
09 - Templating and Views/001 Understanding Templating, Views and Blade.mp4 40.6 MB
09 - Templating and Views/002 Template Inheritance and Layouts.mp4 24.89 MB
09 - Templating and Views/003 Passing and Rendering Data in Templates.mp4 21.97 MB
09 - Templating and Views/004 Simple View Rendering Routes.mp4 11.49 MB
09 - Templating and Views/005 Conditional Rendering.mp4 21.35 MB
09 - Templating and Views/006 Conditional Rendering Alternatives.mp4 12.67 MB
09 - Templating and Views/007 Loops in Templates.mp4 32.91 MB
09 - Templating and Views/008 More Control Inside Loops.mp4 31.05 MB
09 - Templating and Views/009 Partial Templates (Including Templates).mp4 13.05 MB
09 - Templating and Views/010 Partial Templates in Loops.mp4 15.86 MB
10 - Request and Response/001 Responses, Codes, Headers, and Cookies.mp4 26.15 MB
10 - Request and Response/002 Redirect Responses.mp4 26.44 MB
10 - Request and Response/003 Returning JSON.mp4 3.39 MB
10 - Request and Response/004 Returning File Downloads.mp4 6.82 MB
10 - Request and Response/005 Grouping Routes.mp4 21.13 MB
10 - Request and Response/006 Request Input (Reading User Input).mp4 22.67 MB
10 - Request and Response/007 Request Input - An Overview of Options.mp4 7.79 MB
10 - Request and Response/008 Middleware - Running Code Before & After Request.mp4 30.32 MB
11 - Controllers/001 Controllers.mp4 31.36 MB
11 - Controllers/002 Single Action Controllers.mp4 6.4 MB
11 - Controllers/003 Resource Controllers.mp4 6.69 MB
11 - Controllers/004 Implementing a Resource Controller.mp4 31.81 MB
12 - Configuration & Environments/001 Configuration and Environments Overview.mp4 24.75 MB
12 - Configuration & Environments/002 Configuring the Database Connection.mp4 14 MB
13 - Databases - Introduction & Migrations/001 Databases Bird's Eye Overview.mp4 5.36 MB
13 - Databases - Introduction & Migrations/002 Migrations Overview.mp4 12.33 MB
13 - Databases - Introduction & Migrations/003 Creating and Running Migrations.mp4 27.01 MB
14 - Databases - Eloquent ORM/001 Understanding Eloquent ORM Models.mp4 6.72 MB
14 - Databases - Eloquent ORM/002 Models - Creating and Updating, Introducing Tinker.mp4 7.71 MB
14 - Databases - Eloquent ORM/003 Models - Retrieving Single Model.mp4 3.67 MB
14 - Databases - Eloquent ORM/004 Models - Retrieving Multiple Models and Collections Overview.mp4 6.29 MB
14 - Databases - Eloquent ORM/005 Models - Using the Query Builder.mp4 12.28 MB
14 - Databases - Eloquent ORM/006 Practical - List of Blog Posts and Single Blog Post.mp4 6.16 MB
15 - Forms (Markup, CSRF, Validation, Errors, Flash Messages, Mass Assignment)/001 Forms Markup.mp4 18.1 MB
15 - Forms (Markup, CSRF, Validation, Errors, Flash Messages, Mass Assignment)/002 Cross Site Request Forgery Explained.mp4 34.37 MB
15 - Forms (Markup, CSRF, Validation, Errors, Flash Messages, Mass Assignment)/003 Forms - Storing Submitted Data.mp4 6.6 MB
15 - Forms (Markup, CSRF, Validation, Errors, Flash Messages, Mass Assignment)/004 Forms - Input Validation.mp4 7.85 MB
15 - Forms (Markup, CSRF, Validation, Errors, Flash Messages, Mass Assignment)/005 Forms - Displaying Validation Errors.mp4 13.76 MB
15 - Forms (Markup, CSRF, Validation, Errors, Flash Messages, Mass Assignment)/006 Forms - Form Request Classes.mp4 16.69 MB
15 - Forms (Markup, CSRF, Validation, Errors, Flash Messages, Mass Assignment)/007 Session Flash Messages.mp4 7.09 MB
15 - Forms (Markup, CSRF, Validation, Errors, Flash Messages, Mass Assignment)/008 Forms - Old Input Helper.mp4 9.42 MB
15 - Forms (Markup, CSRF, Validation, Errors, Flash Messages, Mass Assignment)/009 FormsModels - Model Mass Assignment.mp4 33.26 MB
16 - CRUD - Editing, Updating and Deleting/001 CRUD - Edit Form.mp4 24.34 MB
16 - CRUD - Editing, Updating and Deleting/002 CRUD - Update Action.mp4 16.53 MB
16 - CRUD - Editing, Updating and Deleting/003 CRUD - Deleting Using Forms.mp4 24.88 MB
16 - CRUD - Editing, Updating and Deleting/004 CRUD - Deleting Models.mp4 13.05 MB
17 - Assets & Styling (JavaScript, CSS, Laravel Mix, Bootstrap)/001 Introduction to Laravel Mix.mp4 10.93 MB
17 - Assets & Styling (JavaScript, CSS, Laravel Mix, Bootstrap)/002 Installing Bootstrap CSS Framework.mp4 16.56 MB
17 - Assets & Styling (JavaScript, CSS, Laravel Mix, Bootstrap)/003 Using NPM and Compiling Assets With MixWebpack.mp4 27.01 MB
17 - Assets & Styling (JavaScript, CSS, Laravel Mix, Bootstrap)/004 Including Assets in Views.mp4 3.58 MB
17 - Assets & Styling (JavaScript, CSS, Laravel Mix, Bootstrap)/005 Versioned Assets (Cache Improvements).mp4 11.02 MB
17 - Assets & Styling (JavaScript, CSS, Laravel Mix, Bootstrap)/006 Introduction to Bootstrap CSS.mp4 9.83 MB
17 - Assets & Styling (JavaScript, CSS, Laravel Mix, Bootstrap)/007 Understanding CSS Flexbox in General and in Bootstrap.mp4 10.06 MB
17 - Assets & Styling (JavaScript, CSS, Laravel Mix, Bootstrap)/008 Layout Grid and Styling Header Bar.mp4 43.03 MB
17 - Assets & Styling (JavaScript, CSS, Laravel Mix, Bootstrap)/009 Styling Forms.mp4 10.1 MB
17 - Assets & Styling (JavaScript, CSS, Laravel Mix, Bootstrap)/010 Styling Post List Page.mp4 9.99 MB
17 - Assets & Styling (JavaScript, CSS, Laravel Mix, Bootstrap)/011 Styling Single Post Page.mp4 8.17 MB
17 - Assets & Styling (JavaScript, CSS, Laravel Mix, Bootstrap)/012 Styling Flash Messages and Error Messages.mp4 6.15 MB
18 - Testing Basics/001 Testing.mp4 21.57 MB
18 - Testing Basics/002 Testing configuration and environment.mp4 20.04 MB
18 - Testing Basics/003 Writing first functional test.mp4 22.61 MB
18 - Testing Basics/004 Testing database interactions.mp4 47.43 MB
18 - Testing Basics/005 Testing store() action (model creation).mp4 20.2 MB
18 - Testing Basics/006 Testing for failure.mp4 26.37 MB
18 - Testing Basics/007 Testing update() action (model updates).mp4 24.65 MB
18 - Testing Basics/008 Testing delete() action (model deletion).mp4 29.88 MB
19 - One to One Eloquent Relations/001 One to One relation with migration.mp4 24.37 MB
19 - One to One Eloquent Relations/002 One to One assigning relationship.mp4 35.98 MB
19 - One to One Eloquent Relations/003 One to One querying relationship.mp4 19.01 MB
20 - One to Many Eloquent Relations/001 One to Many relation with migration.mp4 24.96 MB
20 - One to Many Eloquent Relations/002 One to Many assigning relationship.mp4 20.97 MB
20 - One to Many Eloquent Relations/003 One to Many querying relationship.mp4 14.19 MB
21 - Querying Basics/001 Lazy Loading vs Eager Loading.mp4 24.85 MB
21 - Querying Basics/002 Querying relationship existence.mp4 30.07 MB
21 - Querying Basics/003 Querying relationship absence.mp4 6.62 MB
21 - Querying Basics/004 Counting related models.mp4 12.1 MB
21 - Querying Basics/005 Using withCount() in practice (fetching count of comments) with test.mp4 29.15 MB
22 - Model Factories/001 Model Factory introduction.mp4 82.8 MB
22 - Model Factories/002 Model Factory states.mp4 55.45 MB
22 - Model Factories/003 Model Factory callbacks (afterCreating, afterMaking).mp4 36.04 MB
22 - Model Factories/004 Application Implementing comment list.mp4 38.58 MB
23 - Authentication/002 Authentication overview.mp4 50.51 MB
23 - Authentication/003 How user registration works in Laravel.mp4 79.05 MB
23 - Authentication/004 Guard component and how logging users in works.mp4 85.24 MB
23 - Authentication/005 Custom registration form and Auth routes.mp4 25.93 MB
23 - Authentication/006 Formatting validation errors.mp4 46.29 MB
23 - Authentication/007 RedirectIfAuthenticated middleware.mp4 10.57 MB
23 - Authentication/008 Log-in form with Remember Me feature.mp4 50.26 MB
23 - Authentication/009 Logging out, @guest directive, debugging CSRF token errors.mp4 70.42 MB
23 - Authentication/010 Retrieving the currently authenticated user.mp4 23.87 MB
23 - Authentication/011 Protecting routes (requiring authentication).mp4 15.92 MB
23 - Authentication/012 Testing routes that require authentication.mp4 40.81 MB
24 - Database Seeding/001 Refreshing database, database foreign keys and existing data.mp4 86.56 MB
24 - Database Seeding/002 Problem SQLite test database NOT NULL problem.mp4 9.54 MB
24 - Database Seeding/003 Database seeding basics.mp4 20.38 MB
24 - Database Seeding/004 Using Model Factory inside Seeder.mp4 43.04 MB
24 - Database Seeding/005 Model relations inside seeder.mp4 58.85 MB
24 - Database Seeding/006 Individual seeder classes.mp4 49.35 MB
24 - Database Seeding/007 Making seeder interactive.mp4 72.81 MB
25 - Deleting Models and Soft Deletes/001 Deleting related model using model events.mp4 32.73 MB
25 - Deleting Models and Soft Deletes/002 Deleting related models using cascading.mp4 30.54 MB
25 - Deleting Models and Soft Deletes/003 Soft deletes.mp4 30.51 MB
25 - Deleting Models and Soft Deletes/004 Soft deletes querying.mp4 28.19 MB
25 - Deleting Models and Soft Deletes/005 Restoring soft deleted model.mp4 75.32 MB
25 - Deleting Models and Soft Deletes/006 Testing soft deleted models.mp4 11.49 MB
26 - Authorization, Policies, Gates/001 Authorization introduction.mp4 23.92 MB
26 - Authorization, Policies, Gates/002 Introduction to Gates.mp4 31.97 MB
26 - Authorization, Policies, Gates/003 Using authorize() helper.mp4 9.87 MB
26 - Authorization, Policies, Gates/004 Verifying permissions of the user.mp4 12.28 MB
26 - Authorization, Policies, Gates/005 Admin users and overriding permissions.mp4 70.89 MB
26 - Authorization, Policies, Gates/006 Policies introduction.mp4 47.13 MB
26 - Authorization, Policies, Gates/007 Policy or Gate.mp4 51.18 MB
26 - Authorization, Policies, Gates/008 Verifying permissions in Blade templates.mp4 36.71 MB
26 - Authorization, Policies, Gates/009 Using middleware to authorize routes.mp4 51.21 MB
26 - Authorization, Policies, Gates/010 Application updating tests.mp4 28.61 MB
27 - Query Scopes - Local & Global/001 Application setting user_id for the new BlogPost.mp4 13.77 MB
27 - Query Scopes - Local & Global/002 Global Query Scopes introduction.mp4 27.98 MB
27 - Query Scopes - Local & Global/003 Global Query Scopes and potential issues.mp4 65.54 MB
27 - Query Scopes - Local & Global/004 Local Query Scopes introduction.mp4 57.23 MB
27 - Query Scopes - Local & Global/005 Practical Local Query Scope - most commented posts.mp4 57.65 MB
27 - Query Scopes - Local & Global/006 Practical Local Query Scope - most active users.mp4 51.3 MB
27 - Query Scopes - Local & Global/007 Practical Local Query Scope - most active users last month.mp4 44.54 MB
27 - Query Scopes - Local & Global/008 Practical Global Query Scope - admin can see deleted posts.mp4 109.06 MB
28 - Laravel Blade Components/001 Blade Components introduction.mp4 35.04 MB
28 - Laravel Blade Components/002 Component aliases.mp4 14.57 MB
28 - Laravel Blade Components/003 Conditional rendering in Component.mp4 37.55 MB
28 - Laravel Blade Components/004 Practical creating reusable component for dates.mp4 32.1 MB
28 - Laravel Blade Components/005 Complicated example of conditional rendering.mp4 66.72 MB
28 - Laravel Blade Components/006 Application Fixing an issue with HAVING clause.mp4 9.68 MB
29 - Caching/001 Caching introduction.mp4 24.65 MB
29 - Caching/002 Laravel Debugbar.mp4 86.34 MB
29 - Caching/003 Storing data in cache.mp4 68.11 MB
29 - Caching/004 Removing from cache.mp4 25.43 MB
29 - Caching/005 Cache facade.mp4 4.81 MB
29 - Caching/006 Practical using cache as storage.mp4 16.01 MB
29 - Caching/007 Practical using cache for storage implementation.mp4 48.87 MB
29 - Caching/008 Using and setting up Redis as cache storage.mp4 38.5 MB
29 - Caching/009 Cache tags introduction.mp4 10.25 MB
29 - Caching/010 Practical using cache tags.mp4 59.2 MB
30 - Many to Many Eloquent Relations/001 ManyToMany introduction.mp4 5.89 MB
30 - Many to Many Eloquent Relations/002 ManyToMany migration.mp4 36.02 MB
30 - Many to Many Eloquent Relations/003 Defining ManyToMany on models.mp4 23.19 MB
30 - Many to Many Eloquent Relations/004 Associating models in ManyToMany.mp4 31.43 MB
30 - Many to Many Eloquent Relations/005 Querying the ManyToMany relation and Pivot tables.mp4 34.83 MB
30 - Many to Many Eloquent Relations/006 Practical displaying the list of tags using Blade component.mp4 41.1 MB
30 - Many to Many Eloquent Relations/007 Practical list of blog posts by tag.mp4 39.17 MB
30 - Many to Many Eloquent Relations/008 Blade View Composers.mp4 52.11 MB
30 - Many to Many Eloquent Relations/009 View Composer with @include.mp4 33.96 MB
30 - Many to Many Eloquent Relations/010 ManyToMany seeding.mp4 77.96 MB
31 - Wrap Up #1 (Reusable Components, Query Scopes, Route Model Binding)/001 Practical User to Comment OneToMany relation and migration.mp4 44.17 MB
31 - Wrap Up #1 (Reusable Components, Query Scopes, Route Model Binding)/002 Practical comments form and reusable errors component.mp4 31.5 MB
31 - Wrap Up #1 (Reusable Components, Query Scopes, Route Model Binding)/003 Route Model Binding.mp4 55.3 MB
31 - Wrap Up #1 (Reusable Components, Query Scopes, Route Model Binding)/004 Eager loading nested relationships.mp4 47.68 MB
31 - Wrap Up #1 (Reusable Components, Query Scopes, Route Model Binding)/005 Converting repeating queries to query scopes.mp4 15.58 MB
32 - File Storage and Uploading/001 File Storage introduction.mp4 27.17 MB
32 - File Storage and Uploading/002 File upload form.mp4 6.42 MB
32 - File Storage and Uploading/003 Handling file uploads.mp4 37.57 MB
32 - File Storage and Uploading/004 Using Storage facade to store files.mp4 75.77 MB
32 - File Storage and Uploading/005 Getting the URL of stored file.mp4 61.29 MB
32 - File Storage and Uploading/006 Practical Image model, OneToOne relation and migrations.mp4 44.3 MB
32 - File Storage and Uploading/007 Uploaded image URL.mp4 40.51 MB
32 - File Storage and Uploading/008 Practical Displaying uploaded image and styling.mp4 32.78 MB
32 - File Storage and Uploading/009 Deleting files.mp4 30.35 MB
32 - File Storage and Uploading/010 Validating uploaded files (size, type, dimensions).mp4 36.05 MB
33 - One to One Polymorphic Eloquent Relation/001 Section intrduction.mp4 5.14 MB
33 - One to One Polymorphic Eloquent Relation/002 Practical Scaffolding UserController and UserPolicy, using authorizeResource.mp4 36.37 MB
33 - One to One Polymorphic Eloquent Relation/003 Practical Views for showingediting user profile.mp4 65.27 MB
33 - One to One Polymorphic Eloquent Relation/004 OneToOne Polymorphic explained.mp4 10.94 MB
33 - One to One Polymorphic Eloquent Relation/005 OneToOne Polymorphic migration.mp4 27.15 MB
33 - One to One Polymorphic Eloquent Relation/006 OneToOne Polymorphic defining relation.mp4 7.54 MB
33 - One to One Polymorphic Eloquent Relation/007 OneToOne Polymorphic associating.mp4 23.13 MB
33 - One to One Polymorphic Eloquent Relation/008 Practical OneToOne Polymorphic with BlogPost and Image.mp4 49.28 MB
34 - One to Many Polymorphic Eloquent Relation/001 OneToMany Polymorphic explained.mp4 6.69 MB
34 - One to Many Polymorphic Eloquent Relation/002 OneToMany Polymorphic migration & relation.mp4 21.8 MB
34 - One to Many Polymorphic Eloquent Relation/003 OneToMany Polymorphic associating.mp4 34.35 MB
34 - One to Many Polymorphic Eloquent Relation/004 Practical OneToMany Polymorphic views.mp4 79.82 MB
34 - One to Many Polymorphic Eloquent Relation/005 Practical Running tests on MySQL database.mp4 48.32 MB
34 - One to Many Polymorphic Eloquent Relation/006 OneToMany Polymorphic seeder.mp4 35.81 MB
35 - Many to Many Polymorphic Eloquent Relation/001 ManyToMany Polymorphic explained.mp4 30.99 MB
35 - Many to Many Polymorphic Eloquent Relation/002 ManyToMany Polymorphic migration.mp4 68.01 MB
35 - Many to Many Polymorphic Eloquent Relation/003 ManyToMany Polymorphic relations.mp4 22.26 MB
35 - Many to Many Polymorphic Eloquent Relation/004 Understanding model Traits.mp4 12.66 MB
35 - Many to Many Polymorphic Eloquent Relation/005 Creating Taggable model trait.mp4 103.33 MB
36 - Sending E-mails/001 Development setup for sending emails.mp4 22.58 MB
36 - Sending E-mails/002 The Mailable class explained.mp4 24.65 MB
36 - Sending E-mails/003 Rendering e-mail content and e-mail sending.mp4 40.06 MB
36 - Sending E-mails/004 Attaching files & data to e-mails.mp4 36.65 MB
36 - Sending E-mails/005 Embedding an image inside the e-mail.mp4 33.48 MB
36 - Sending E-mails/006 Markdown Mailable classes explained.mp4 13.13 MB
36 - Sending E-mails/007 Creating the Markdown Mailable class.mp4 31.86 MB
36 - Sending E-mails/008 Custom Markdown e-mail component and styling.mp4 36.12 MB
36 - Sending E-mails/009 Rendering e-mail previews in browser.mp4 8.53 MB
37 - Queues and Background Processing/001 Queues and background processing introduction.mp4 24.47 MB
37 - Queues and Background Processing/002 Configuring queues, creating and running the first job.mp4 30.39 MB
37 - Queues and Background Processing/003 Optional e-mail queuing and execution delay.mp4 26.47 MB
37 - Queues and Background Processing/004 Dealing with failed jobs.mp4 55.06 MB
37 - Queues and Background Processing/005 Creating and dispatching custom jobs.mp4 16.72 MB
37 - Queues and Background Processing/006 Implementing custom job that dispatches other jobs.mp4 58.1 MB
37 - Queues and Background Processing/007 Rate Limiting queues.mp4 93.67 MB
37 - Queues and Background Processing/008 Named queues and prioritizing.mp4 39.3 MB
38 - Observers, Events, Listeners, Subscribers/001 Model Observers.mp4 77.67 MB
38 - Observers, Events, Listeners, Subscribers/002 Events and Listeners.mp4 50.83 MB
38 - Observers, Events, Listeners, Subscribers/003 Practical Custom Event and Listener.mp4 55.67 MB
38 - Observers, Events, Listeners, Subscribers/004 Second example of Event and Listener.mp4 51.7 MB
38 - Observers, Events, Listeners, Subscribers/005 Logging basics in Laravel.mp4 20.61 MB
38 - Observers, Events, Listeners, Subscribers/006 Handling built-in Laravel events with Subscriber.mp4 43.07 MB
39 - Localization (Translations)/001 Localization introduction and demo.mp4 11.67 MB
39 - Localization (Translations)/002 Configuring locale and translation overview.mp4 33.58 MB
39 - Localization (Translations)/003 Translating plural forms, passing data.mp4 46.22 MB
39 - Localization (Translations)/004 Storing translations in JSON.mp4 31.33 MB
39 - Localization (Translations)/005 Translating the application.mp4 41.07 MB
39 - Localization (Translations)/006 Storing user preffered language in database.mp4 55.54 MB
39 - Localization (Translations)/007 Creating custom Locale Middleware.mp4 47.23 MB
39 - Localization (Translations)/008 Adding language to URL through Apache configuration.mp4 51.72 MB
40 - Service, Service Container, Facades, Contracts/001 What is a Service and creating a custom one.mp4 28.48 MB
40 - Service, Service Container, Facades, Contracts/002 Service Container in practice.mp4 72.34 MB
40 - Service, Service Container, Facades, Contracts/003 Basic Dependency Injection.mp4 44.86 MB
40 - Service, Service Container, Facades, Contracts/004 Dependency Injection and Contracts.mp4 83.44 MB
40 - Service, Service Container, Facades, Contracts/005 Contracts explained.mp4 59.19 MB
40 - Service, Service Container, Facades, Contracts/006 Facades explained.mp4 40.02 MB
41 - Model serialization and Postman/001 Postman - a quite long introduction.mp4 66.43 MB
41 - Model serialization and Postman/002 How Model serialization works.mp4 22.99 MB
41 - Model serialization and Postman/003 Hiding model attributes.mp4 17.09 MB
41 - Model serialization and Postman/004 Serializing model relations.mp4 21.65 MB
42 - API Resources/001 API Resources introduction.mp4 47.08 MB
42 - API Resources/002 Serializing model relations using a Resource class.mp4 16.21 MB
42 - API Resources/003 Limiting serialization only to eager loaded relations.mp4 15.74 MB
42 - API Resources/004 Conditional serialization of properties.mp4 12.73 MB
43 - API in Laravel/001 API routes and controllers.mp4 85.55 MB
43 - API in Laravel/002 Practice defining API routes.mp4 94.93 MB
43 - API in Laravel/003 Returning a resource collection and response wrapping.mp4 28.75 MB
43 - API in Laravel/004 Collection pagination.mp4 13.6 MB
43 - API in Laravel/005 Collection pagination and custom parameters.mp4 16.94 MB
43 - API in Laravel/006 Storing a new resource.mp4 35.8 MB
43 - API in Laravel/007 API Tokens explained and implemented.mp4 83.75 MB
43 - API in Laravel/008 Returning one, updating and deleting resources.mp4 43.9 MB
43 - API in Laravel/009 Handling 404 (resource not found).mp4 51.82 MB
43 - API in Laravel/010 API Authorization.mp4 117.2 MB
44 - Testing APIs/001 Testing API GET methods, verifying JSON structure.mp4 33.86 MB
44 - Testing APIs/002 Testing API GET methods, verifying JSON structure II.mp4 39.24 MB
44 - Testing APIs/003 Test API storing (POST) resources, authentication and validation.mp4 37.28 MB
45 - OLD LEGACY SECTION - Laravel Essentials 101/002 Routes, Views & Layouts.mp4 59.01 MB
45 - OLD LEGACY SECTION - Laravel Essentials 101/003 View Routes, Route Parameters, Rendering Data.mp4 71.08 MB
45 - OLD LEGACY SECTION - Laravel Essentials 101/004 Named routes and generating URLs.mp4 18.53 MB
45 - OLD LEGACY SECTION - Laravel Essentials 101/005 Controller basics.mp4 51.56 MB
45 - OLD LEGACY SECTION - Laravel Essentials 101/006 Database configuration and environment variables.mp4 55.1 MB
45 - OLD LEGACY SECTION - Laravel Essentials 101/007 Introduction to database migrations.mp4 39.26 MB
45 - OLD LEGACY SECTION - Laravel Essentials 101/008 Creating and managing migrations.mp4 34.08 MB
45 - OLD LEGACY SECTION - Laravel Essentials 101/009 Laravel Tinker and Eloquent models.mp4 59.41 MB
45 - OLD LEGACY SECTION - Laravel Essentials 101/010 Creating, updating and reading data and making simple database queries.mp4 54.64 MB
45 - OLD LEGACY SECTION - Laravel Essentials 101/011 Resource controllers.mp4 68.49 MB
45 - OLD LEGACY SECTION - Laravel Essentials 101/012 Blade directives @if, @foreach, dates.mp4 92.21 MB
45 - OLD LEGACY SECTION - Laravel Essentials 101/013 Forms and CSRF tokens.mp4 66.58 MB
45 - OLD LEGACY SECTION - Laravel Essentials 101/014 Redirects.mp4 10.77 MB
45 - OLD LEGACY SECTION - Laravel Essentials 101/015 Session flash messages.mp4 11.39 MB
45 - OLD LEGACY SECTION - Laravel Essentials 101/016 Validation basics.mp4 16.96 MB
45 - OLD LEGACY SECTION - Laravel Essentials 101/017 Displaying validation errors.mp4 37.12 MB
45 - OLD LEGACY SECTION - Laravel Essentials 101/018 Form requests.mp4 19.55 MB
45 - OLD LEGACY SECTION - Laravel Essentials 101/019 Mass assignment in Eloquent model.mp4 16.77 MB
45 - OLD LEGACY SECTION - Laravel Essentials 101/020 old() helper in forms.mp4 13.69 MB
45 - OLD LEGACY SECTION - Laravel Essentials 101/021 Creating data editing forms.mp4 71.55 MB